Wellness Retreat Replay
YWCA New Hampshire is teamed up with local health and wellness professionals to bring guidance on handling the new normal.
This FREE virtual Wellness Retreat was held on Saturday, May 9th.
It is here for all to watch, learn, and enjoy!

“Magic in the Mess”
Victoria Kirby, APRN from Nutrition in Motion LLC.
Victoria will be discussing tips for overall health and wellness to help keep yourself and your families Physically and emotionally healthy during these challenging times. Victoria has been a family nurse practitioner for over 20 years and is currently the medical director at nutrition in motion. She’s a wife and mother of two teenage girls and is eternally seeking balance for herself and her family and loves to help others do the same.
Meal Planning under “Stay-at-Home” Orders
Michelle Horan RDN, LD from Nutrition in Motion LLC.
Participants will learn planning ahead skills to:
* Reduce time at the grocery store
* Shop less frequently
* Eat healthfully from the freezer and pantry
* Prioritize your health
* And more!
Feeding The Picky Eater
Jeanette Schaible, RD LD CLC from Nutrition In Motion.
Participants will learn about:
* Problems that can occur from pressuring picky eaters
* Habits that make picky eating worse
* Tips for overcoming picky eating
* Ways to use stay-at-home orders to reduce picky eating
* And more!
Practical Tips, Tools and Tricks to Thrive in Chaotic Times
Lea Stabler, Speaker, Artist, Coach from Pathways navigation LLC
The core characteristic in Chaotic Times is “Change.” Home isolation has condensed our lives, forcing us into new ways of living that we didn’t choose. It may feel more complicated, disjointed, and frustrating. This talk will help you shift your experience from this is happening to me, to being the one causing the change. Bring joy and order to your home, your family, and your life.
Practicing Conscious and Compassionate Self-Care
Tracey Miller is the author of This is Me: Inquiries, Exercises, & Ideas for Discovering Your Healthiest Life.
Self-care is a work in progress. Practicing self-care is about trusting your intuition and knowing what you need to manage your stress, increase your energy and feel good in your body. Tracey will guide you through some journaling exercises and writing prompts to help you get more clarity and feel more committed to your self-care.
Tracey Miller is the author of This is Me: Inquiries, Exercises, & Ideas for Discovering Your Healthiest Life. You can find more information at www.traceymiller.co
Meditation with Dalyne Villeneuve
Connect with Dalyne at 603.396.6935 or dalyne.mail@gmail.com.
Registered Yoga Instructor, Therapeutic Yoga, Children’s/Teens Yoga
Mindfully Me Yoga
THANK YOU to all who participated!