Our Mission

YWCA NH is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.


Our Vision

YWCA NH envisions a
world where all women, girls, and gender-diverse people, especially those of color, are free from racism and sexism, experience justice and equity, and are able to thrive.


Our Core Values

Justice, Compassion, Freedom and Courage.

YWCA New Hampshire

Our Fundamental Beliefs and Guiding Principles


Work to bring fairness, equality, and integrity in every aspect of our organization and work in the community


Strive to understand the unique and individual needs of the people we serve through a deep awareness, sympathy, and understanding of the complexities that come with the human experience


Achieve and obtain opportunities for individuals and our community to be empowered to act and speak without external constraints


Continue to be at the forefront of the most critical social justice movements in New Hampshire, as YWCA NH has for over a century.